Mobile: 07368544756
Priory Hospital
Stump Lane
Springfield Green
Springfield, Chelmsford
About Dr. Abraham
MD ( Psychiatry )
FRCPsych, Royal College of Psychiatrists
Diploma in Clinical Psychiatry, Leeds University, UK
PG certificate in Health and Social care education, ARU, UK
Other Qualifications/Certifications
Certificate of Completion of training in General Adult Psychiatry (CCT), UK
Certificate of Completion of training in Addictions Psychiatry (CCT), UK
Section 12(2) Approved under the Mental Health Act
Approved Clinician under the Mental Health Act
Trainer of the Year Award 2014, Royal College of Psychiatry
Best Poster Award, Eastern Division Autumn Conference 2013, Royal College of Psychiatry
Supervisor for Trainee Leader of the Year Award, Health Education East of England, 2016
Serum Lipid profile in suicide attempters. Post Graduate paper award. Annual conference of Indian Psychiatric Society, 2002. India.
Age and Sex related analysis of psycho-sociodemographic profile of suicide attempters. Post Graduate paper award. Indian Psychiatric Society, Kerala State Annual Conference. India.